In order to enable middle school students to continue debating throughout high school and college as most students do, Bay Area Debate only teaches high school debate formats. In speech and debate, students learn skills like public speaking, cross-examination, and basic research in order to construct sets of arguments and defend their position.
The Bay Area Debate "advantage" is that we tailor our classes to the small group of students we are instructing. There is no "class in a can." We work with each group of students by adjusting to their level of ability and instructional needs. We are educators first, focusing on ethics, skills and knowledge. Even so, we do offer students the opportunity to attend elementary, middle and high school tournaments and put what they learned to the test. We have achieved outstanding competitive success-- even winning many high school tournaments with middle school students. |
Debate Formats |
Speech Formats |
Our class curriculum is based on tournaments schedule and National Speech and Debate Associations Debate topics.
Formats of Debate Offered in Debate Classes
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5:
Level 6:
Formats of Speech Offered in Competitive Speech Classes
Originals |
Interpretive |
Spontaneous |
There are four types of Original events: Original Oratory - How to Judge
There are seven types of Interpretive events:
There are three types of Spontaneous events:
Extemporaneous Speaking - How to Judge Impromptu Speaking - How to Judge |