February 17-19, 2024 Berkeley Speech and Debate Tournament Results
MS Congressional Debate Joyee G. - 1st Advay R. - 4th Maanyaa M. - 8th Ayan S. - 11th
HS Congressional Debate Sophia D - Semifinalist
MS Public Forum Aayush D. and Michael Q. - Quarter Finalists Xinchi Y. and Jeein K. - Quarter Finalists HS Public Forum Vihaan K. and Kushaan K. - Double-Octofinalist
HS Impromptu Speaking Ritika S - Quarter Finalist
YG, National Speech & Debate Academy student - Celina C. became a Champion in Congressional Debate at the In-Person Tournament of Champions (TOC) on April 29–30, 2023 in Lexington, KY.
On April 1st, 2023, at The Delaware HS State Tournament - Nethra N, - 1st place in Lincoln Douglas Debate
On February 18-20, 2023 Young Genius, Speech and Debate Academy team competed at 2 most challenging tournaments in the country: National Harvard University and UC Berkeley, CA.
National Harvard University Results: Aneesha V. - 2nd Place in Congressional Debate Emily L. - 5th Place in Congressional Debate Joyee G. - Semifinalist in Congressional Debate Dymphna W. - Semifinalist in Congressional Debate.
UC Berkeley Results: Sophia - Semifinalist in Congressional Debate Michael Q. and Kushaan K. - Octofinalists in Public Forum Debate
La Reina tournament on On February 18-20, 2023
Bretton L. - 1st place and tournament champion in Lincoln-Douglas Ohas U. - Semifinalist and Top Tournament Speaker in Lincoln-Douglas Simon B. - 1st Place in High School Extemporaneous Speech Aarohi G. - 1st Place in High School Platform Speech Luna Y. (only a 5th- grader) - 2nd Place in Middle School Declamation Speech Ryan S. - 3rd Place in High School Interpretation Speech.
In the First of the 2022-2023 School Year, the Stephen Steward High School tournament, YG Speech and Debate Academy students faced competitors from 48 top schools on September 30 - October 2, 2022 and came out with results:
Varsity Oratorical Interpretation Speech Alisha S. is the 1st place Tournament Champion!
Congressional Debate Aanya R. is the 1st place Middle School Champion, Kritika K. won 3rd place, and Aneesha V. is a finalist in the Varsity High School division.
Varsity High School Lincoln-Douglas Debate Naveli S. is the Octofinalist.

In Lincoln-Douglas debate
Aishna K. - Octofinalist
Naveli S. - Doubleoctofinalist
Vishnu M.- Semifinalist in Original Oratory Speech
Aishna K. - Octofinalist
Naveli S. - Doubleoctofinalist
Vishnu M.- Semifinalist in Original Oratory Speech
Harvard Tournament
February 19-21, 2022
in Congressional Debate
Eva B. - Top Presiding Officer & Leadership Award Winner
Celina C. - Finalist, and our 8 other students became Semifinalists
Also, we are so proud of our former students who were competing on their high school teams and became champions in various formats of debate and speech at these tournaments!
Evergreen Invitational February 25-27th, 2022
Alisha S. was the 1st Place Tournament Champion in Varsity Oratorical Interpretation Speech
in Lincoln-Douglas debate:
Aishna K. - 1st Place Champion
Naveli S. - Quarterfinalist
Nithya P. and Mahika D. - Octofinalists
Congratulations to all of our students who broke to final rounds, as well as all of the students who competed at this tournament.
in Lincoln-Douglas debate:
Aishna K. - 1st Place Champion
Naveli S. - Quarterfinalist
Nithya P. and Mahika D. - Octofinalists
Congratulations to all of our students who broke to final rounds, as well as all of the students who competed at this tournament.

January 14- 16, 2022, our students completed in one of the strongest speech and debate tournaments in the country,
Martin Luther King Jr.
Aneesha V. - Tournament Champion in Congressional Debate,
as well as 2/3 of all Congressional Debate Final Places were taken by our students!
Also, 4 students broke into elimination rounds
in various speech events.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Aneesha V. - Tournament Champion in Congressional Debate,
as well as 2/3 of all Congressional Debate Final Places were taken by our students!
Also, 4 students broke into elimination rounds
in various speech events.
John Lewis SVUDL aka SCU High School Tournament, November 19-21, 2022.
Our students faced 1,289 competitors from 99 schools, results:
High School Public Forum Debate
Shawnak S. & Ishika M. (8th graders) - Quarlerfinalists
DJ W. & Neha P. (7th graders) - Double-Octofinalis
High School Lincoln-Douglas Deb
Sowmya S. (8th grader) - Double-Octofinalist
Arnav T. (8th grader) - Double-Octofinalist
Varsity High School Parliamentary Debate
Simon B. (10th grader) & Manav T. (11th grader)- Double-Octofinalists
High School Congressional Debate
Anjali S. (9th grader) - 3rd place
Original Oratory Speech
Aarohi G. (8th grader) - 2nd place
Varsity Original Oratory Speech
Rebecca W. (9th grader) - Semifinalist
Varsity Oratorical Interpretation Speech
Vishnu M. (10th grader) - 4th place
Alisha S. (10th grader) - Semifinalist
Extemporaneous Speech
Kushi H. (7th grader) - 3rd place
Impromptu Speaking
Enzo L. (6th grader) - 4th place
Our students faced 1,289 competitors from 99 schools, results:
High School Public Forum Debate
Shawnak S. & Ishika M. (8th graders) - Quarlerfinalists
DJ W. & Neha P. (7th graders) - Double-Octofinalis
High School Lincoln-Douglas Deb
Sowmya S. (8th grader) - Double-Octofinalist
Arnav T. (8th grader) - Double-Octofinalist
Varsity High School Parliamentary Debate
Simon B. (10th grader) & Manav T. (11th grader)- Double-Octofinalists
High School Congressional Debate
Anjali S. (9th grader) - 3rd place
Original Oratory Speech
Aarohi G. (8th grader) - 2nd place
Varsity Original Oratory Speech
Rebecca W. (9th grader) - Semifinalist
Varsity Oratorical Interpretation Speech
Vishnu M. (10th grader) - 4th place
Alisha S. (10th grader) - Semifinalist
Extemporaneous Speech
Kushi H. (7th grader) - 3rd place
Impromptu Speaking
Enzo L. (6th grader) - 4th place
The California State University, Fullerton Tournament
October 15-17, 2021
High School Lincoln-Douglas Debate Naveli S. is the 1st place Tournament Champion! Lalit D. is a Quarterfinalist
Middle School Congressional Debate Celina C. is the 1st place Tournament Champion! Eva B. won 2nd place and five students became finalists.
Original Oratory Speech Vishnu M. is the 1st place Tournament Champion and the receiver of a TOC National Tournament bid!
Oratorical Interpretation Speech Vishnu M. is the 1st place Tournament Champion and Alisha K. is the 2nd place winner!
Extemporaneous Speech Kushi H. is the 1st place Tournament Champion!
Middle School Original Oratory Speech Aarohi G. is the 1st place Tournament Champion and Celina C. is the 2nd place winner!
October 15-17, 2021
High School Lincoln-Douglas Debate Naveli S. is the 1st place Tournament Champion! Lalit D. is a Quarterfinalist
Middle School Congressional Debate Celina C. is the 1st place Tournament Champion! Eva B. won 2nd place and five students became finalists.
Original Oratory Speech Vishnu M. is the 1st place Tournament Champion and the receiver of a TOC National Tournament bid!
Oratorical Interpretation Speech Vishnu M. is the 1st place Tournament Champion and Alisha K. is the 2nd place winner!
Extemporaneous Speech Kushi H. is the 1st place Tournament Champion!
Middle School Original Oratory Speech Aarohi G. is the 1st place Tournament Champion and Celina C. is the 2nd place winner!
National Speech and Debate Season Opener hosted by UK
September 11-13, 2021
1st place in Policy Debate
September 11-13, 2021
1st place in Policy Debate